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EV Edison Consulting Services

Industry-Leading Consulting on Electrifying Class 4 - 8 Truck Fleets.

Your Trusted Partner for Feet Electrification

As the world moves towards sustainable energy, electrifying your commercial fleet is becoming more important than ever. However, transitioning your fleet to electric vehicles can be challenging, especially when it comes to charging infrastructure and power requirements. That's where we come in.

Truck Car Park
Electric Charging Station

Expert Guidance and Advice on Commercial Fleet Charging Infrastructure

Owners and managers of transportation fleets need to electrify to stay competitive, meet ESG requirements and more. Our team of experienced consultants is here to help you navigate the complexities of electrification, including cost and power needs, operational
planning, parking and charging solutions.

What Sets Our Team Apart:

Lightning bolt cartoon

Decades of Experience Leading and Planning With a Major Utility

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Cutting-Edge & Experienced Renewable Energy Innovators

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Credentialed, Experienced Electrical Engineers and Installation Experts

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​Trucking Fleet Veterans

Our team can help you with everything from designing and installing charging stations to optimizing energy consumption to projecting costs and power requirements. We work with
you to ensure a seamless and successful transition to an electric fleet.

Big Tyres

WHY EV Edison

A different approach, utility-scale high power charging

We bring our deep experience of the power sector combined with electric vehicle charging expertise to build large-scale high power charging hubs

Two EV delivery trucks in a parking lot with an office in the background. EV charger in the foreground, both trucks are plugged in
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